Monday, January 30, 2012

Assyrian Group Condemns Attacks on Assyrians By Kurdish Muslims

Posted by wakeupworld on 3:15 PM

In a direct attempt to uproot the Assyrian people from their ancestral lands, incited mobs targeted their businesses, following directives delivered by religious leaders during Friday prayer gatherings. Millions of dollars were looted, damaged and displaced from Assyrian businesses in Zakho, Simele, and Nohadra (Dohuk).
The Assyrian Universal Alliance (AUA) strongly condemns these barbarous acts against the indigenous Assyrians of Iraq and demands that the government of Iraq and the KRG authorities hold responsible and bring to swift and public justice those who instigated these hate crimes and their delivering thugs. We demand that Iraq’s federal and local authorities show their disdain for these acts by quickly compensating the business owners and the Assyrian communities. Moreover, we expect that Iraq’s federal government establish fundamental measures to ensure that these types of heinous crimes are not committed against any ethnic or religious group anywhere in Iraq.
The Assyrian Universal Alliance urges the government of Iraq to facilitate the establishment of the Nineveh Plains Province as a self-governed and protected “Safe Haven” for our people with the opportunity for other Iraqi ethnic and religious minorities to live there freely. We appeal to the regional and progressive governments worldwide and the United Nations to support this request.
Assyrian Universal Alliance

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