Tuesday, January 31, 2012

tow converts to christianity stabbed in norway

Posted by wakeupworld on 5:32 PM

Two Iranians who converted from Islam to Christianity were stabbed by masked me in Haugesund last week. The attacker shouted 'Kuffar' (Arabic for non-believer) during the attack.

The attack happened Tuesday evening, when both Christian Iranians were out walking in Haugesund. They were suddenly attacked by three masked men armed with knives, who shouted 'kuffar' while they stabbed the two.

A nurse passing by gave first aid and then an ambulance brought them to hospital, reports Haugesunds Avis.

According to the police, one of the victims was stabbed twice in the back and the other was stabbed in his side. No perpetrators have been caught.

The two victims want to remain anonymous and have not spoken of the assault. They've lived in Norway for many years. One of them converted in Norway, the other did so in Iran and managed to flee to Norway after he was abused and imprisoned for his faith.

They're both active in a local evangelical church.

'They've very active in the community, and have also bore witness to their faith during meetings,' says their pastor, who also wants to remain anonymous, since he often travels to Muslim countries where Christians are persecuted.

He's certain that the attack was religiously motivated. "I'm totally sure of it. Since the attackers shouted 'kuffar' during the attack, I have no doubt about it."

He says he didn't expect such things to happen in Haugesund. "It's very dramatic and surprising. I didn't take that into account. I hadn't heard of threats against any coverts in the area

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