Monday, January 30, 2012

danish people's party wants full stop to muslim immigration

Posted by wakeupworld on 12:51 PM

The Danish People's Party (DPP) wants to put a stop to immigration from Muslim countries according to a new press release by the party. The party says Muslims don't integrate and cause big problems with shariah zones, parallel societies and social control.

The announcement followed the release of marriage figures for immigrant groups. According to the new figures, just 20% of non-Western 2nd generation immigrants marry Danes. Among Pakistanis and Turks the figures are less than 10%.
"We must work towards bringing down the immigration from Muslim countries to zero. There can naturally be some exceptions, but there's a need for political ambition to bring Muslim immigration close to zero," says the party's integration spokesperson Martin Henriksen.

"The 24-year old rule is now no longer enough. We have to deal with people who consciously decide to opt out of marrying Danes. It's problematic. If we are to hope these families will be integrated in the future, we must introduce new and significant restrictions on immigration from Muslim countries," says Henriksen.

By stopping immigration from Muslim countries, the Danish People's Party hopes to stop the influx into the parallel societies, and eventually dissolve them.

"It will increase the possibility that young people will be able to break out of the parallel societies," says Martin Henriksen.

Q: what is the figures are because people fall in love with people they have more in common with?

"Naturally there are those somebody with Turkish background who fall in love with others of Turkish background. But it's well known that Muslim communities are very skeptical of - and look down on - if, for example, a girl goes out with a Danish boy or man. It can lead to sanctions and we should end that," says Henriksen.

The DPP wants to stop Muslim immigration by stopping the new government's rollback of the point system, tightening asylum laws and giving priority to Western labor immigr

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